"A successful leader in any group, team or business should always be counseled by a successful coach! Thankfully, I was pointed to Pastor Scott Tharp, who has helped coach me through several complete redirections in my personal and business life. He has helped me become more accountable in every aspect, and I am thankful for the growth I have witnessed in my inner being."
David Singletary
State Farm agent.
"Working with Scott not only on a professional level but a personal level has been one the greatest experiences of my life. Everyone needs a leader in some manner of their life whether it be dealing with a physical, emotional or even psychological portion. I’m glad that I was able to have Scott in my life because whether he knew it or not he helped me in all three of these areas. Scott helped me grow in the love of reading and knowledge by giving me books to read. Let me tell you first hand I have never been a reader, but through him challenging me to read and know more, it has become one of my favorite things to do. Scott is not only a great coach, but a leader as well, and he can see things from a different perspective. Thank you Scott for all you have done and continue to do in my life."
Craig Cook
Teacher/Network Manager
Bartow Senior High School